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Ilkley directory

This is a free directory of local businesses for Ilkley, Addingham and the surrounding area.

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One line summary: Financial Planning and Investment Specialist
Address line 1: 120 Main Street
City: Burley In Wharfedale
Postcode: LS29 7JX
One line summary: A cleaning service based in Ilkley and CRB checked. With 14 years in quality cleaning.
Address line 1: 16 GORDON STREET
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8JW
One line summary: Ilkley Centre Avon Representative
Address line 1: Flat 1A
Address line 2: 5 Wells Walk
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 9LH
County: West Yorkshire
Country: United Kingdom
Image: 1117_img
One line summary: Professional Tiling Service
Address line 1: 35 Woodlands
Postcode: LS29 8LE
One line summary: Power and Carpet Cleaning Services for homes and business
Address line 1: 9 Moorland Avenue
Address line 2: Baildon
City: Bradford
Postcode: BD17 6RW
County: West Yorkshire
Country: England
Image: 1176_img
One line summary: Telecoms installation and maintenance
Address line 1: Heathcote
Address line 2: Kings Road
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 9AS
One line summary: Professional balloon decorating for all kinds of event.
Address line 1: 16 Brook Street
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8DE
One line summary: A traditional real ale pub offering 6 ales and a wide choice of continental beers and wines.
Address line 1: 7 Cunliffe Road
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29
Address line 1: 9 Brook Street
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8AD
One line summary: Self catering
Address line 1: Barden Tower
Address line 2: Barden
City: nr Bolton Abbey
Postcode: BD23 6AS
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Then click on the 'My listings' link in the Directory menu on the left hand side.
Click on the Edit button next to your listing.
Don't forget to click on the Save button when you've finished.