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Ilkley directory

This is a free directory of local businesses for Ilkley, Addingham and the surrounding area.

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One line summary: PEST AND VERMIN CONTROL.
Address line 1: 7 Buller Street
City: Selby
Postcode: Y08 4BT
One line summary: Italian homemade food & catering
Address line 1: 19 Fenton Street
City: Burley in Wharfedale
Postcode: LS29 7EX
Address line 1: TOIVONEN
Address line 2: 3 THE WHARTONS
Postcode: LS21 2AG
Country: UK
One line summary: Local Professional painter and decorator, covering all aspects of painting and decorating to a high standard
Address line 1: 186 Bradford Road
City: Otley
Postcode: LS21 3LT
County: West Yorkshire
One line summary: High quality care and education for children
Address line 1: Abacus Nursery and Preschool
Address line 2: 38a Parish Ghyll Drive
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 9PR
One line summary: Helping Families Have Fun & Get Fit
Address line 1: 19 Tramways
Address line 2: 135 Otley Rd
City: Leeds
Postcode: LS20 8LY
County: West Yorks
Image: 1255_img
One line summary: Specialist in Female body and Bikini Waxing
Address line 1: Ridings House
Address line 2: 31 Leeds Road
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8DP
One line summary: Addingham Cleaning Services - Window cleaning, Office & Contract cleaning, Gutter cleaning etc.
Address line 1: 16 The Crescent
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8LX
One line summary: Locally produced, small-batch fruit gins
Address line 1: Bouthwaite
Address line 2: 14 Springfield Mount
City: Addingham
Postcode: LS29 0JB
County: West Yorkshire
Image: logo
One line summary: Management Consultancy
Address line 1: 6 St Michaels Way
City: Addingham
Postcode: LS29 0RN
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Login on the left with your username & password.
Then click on the 'My listings' link in the Directory menu on the left hand side.
Click on the Edit button next to your listing.
Don't forget to click on the Save button when you've finished.