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Ilkley directory

This is a free directory of local businesses for Ilkley, Addingham and the surrounding area.

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One line summary: Private Hire Addingham
Address line 1: Addingham
City: Addingham
Postcode: LS29 0
One line summary: Private Tuition for 5 to 9 year old children.
Address line 1: 5 Wharfe View Road
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8DY
One line summary: Marquee Hire for Weddings, Corporate and Gala days.
Address line 1: 10 Amy Busfield Green
Address line 2: Burley In Wharfedale
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 7SJ
County: West Yorkshire
Image: 608_img
One line summary: Counselling & Psychotherapy
Address line 1: 34 Leeds Road
Postcode: LS29 8DS
County: West Yorkshire
Country: United Kingdom
Image: 1397_img
One line summary: Clarke Foley Community Hub is a charity providing facilities for recreational, educational and a wide range of other leisure pursuits.
Address line 1: The Clarke Foley Centre
Address line 2: Cunliffe Road
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 9DZ
County: West Yorkshire
Image: clarke-foley-logo-2500px
One line summary: We are members of the Yorkshire Tourist Board and are based in Otley.
Address line 1: Classic Car Group Ltd
Address line 2: Station Road
City: Otley
Postcode: LS21 3HX
One line summary: Classic car hire serving Yorkshire and the north
Address line 1: The Orchard
Address line 2: Sunderland Street
City: Keighley
Postcode: BD21
County: West Yorkshire
Country: United Kingdom
One line summary: Free Scrap Metal Collection. Waste Removals
Address line 1: Coppice wood Avenue
City: Leeds
Postcode: LS20 9JS
County: West Yorkshire
Country: England
Image: img3796
One line summary: Provision of secure internet servers, allowing the immediate sharing of information to selected users.
Address line 1: Three Greens
Address line 2: Victoria Road
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 9BA
One line summary: Local independent Travel Agency
Address line 1: Unit 2 Station Plaza
Address line 2: Brook Street
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8DE
County: West Yorkshire
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Then click on the 'My listings' link in the Directory menu on the left hand side.
Click on the Edit button next to your listing.
Don't forget to click on the Save button when you've finished.