
Complementary Medicine

One line summary: Hypnotherapy Psychotherapy
Address line 1: 1 Tarn Court
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8UE
County: West Yorkshire
Country: United Kingdom
One line summary: A Multi Disciplinary Healthcare Clinic in the centre of Otley providing Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Chiropody, Podiatry, and Chinese Medicine
Address line 1: 26 Westgate
Address line 2: Otley
City: West Yorkshire
Postcode: LS21 3AS
Country: England
One line summary: Relax.Recharge.Heal
Address line 1: International Development Centre The Valley Clinic
Address line 2: Valley Drive
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8AL
One line summary: Relationship counselling, family counselling, sex therapy & young person's counselling
Address line 1: 7th Floor, City House
Address line 2: 21-27 Cheapside
City: Bradford
Postcode: BD1 4HR
Image: 1320_img
One line summary: Alexander Technique
Address line 1: Simon Seat Farm Cottage
Address line 2: Skyreholme
City: Skipton
Postcode: BD23 6DE
One line summary: We specialise in safe, long term weight loss and wellness. Free wellness checks and consultations!
Address line 1: Rendezvous Leisure Club
Address line 2: Keighley Road
Postcode: BD23 2TA
County: North Yorkshire
Country: United Kingdom
One line summary: Garra Fish Foot Spa
Address line 1: 15B The Moors Shopping Centre
Address line 2: Cunliffe Road, Ilkley
City: Leeds
Postcode: LS29 9LB
County: West Yorkshire
Country: England
One line summary: Sue Foster is qualified in Swedish Massage and in 'No-hands' Massage.
Address line 1: Ilkley Healing Centre
Address line 2: 8 Nelson Road
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8HN
One line summary: At the Bradford Clinic of Alternative Medicine we provide a high standard of holistic therapies.
Address line 1: 24 Victoria Road
Address line 2: Saltaire
City: Shipley
Postcode: BD18 3JR
One line summary: Specialise in selling natural health products, vitamins, minerals and skincare
Address line 1: 9 The Moors Shopping Centre
Address line 2: South Hawksworth Street
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 9LB
County: West Yorkshire
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