
Entries with Business names starting with 'N'

One line summary: NICEIC qualified Electricians in Leeds.
Address line 1: 25a Lockwood Way
City: Leeds
Postcode: LS11 5TH
County: West Yorkshire
Country: England
One line summary: Architects
Address line 1: 139 Main Street
Address line 2: Burley in Wharfedale
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 7JN
County: West Yorkshire
Country: United Kingdom
Image: 1249_img
One line summary: Specialist in plumbing, electrical installation and all associated work.
Address line 1: The Barn House
Address line 2: Beck Road
City: Micklethwaite
Postcode: BD16 3JN
One line summary: njArchitects is an Ilkley based, RIBA chartered architecture practice
Address line 1: 27 Margerison Road
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8QY
County: West Yorkshire
Country: UK
One line summary: Nora's in Ilkley is an independent home accessory and gift shop specialising in supporting and showcasing British designers and makers.
Address line 1: 1 The Victorian Arcade
Address line 2: South Hawksworth Street
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 9DY
County: West Yorkshire
Country: UK
One line summary: Build high quality property throughout Yorkshire including Carleton near Skipton, Sutton, Silsden, Wilsden, Bradford and Leeds.
Address line 1: Carleton Mill
Address line 2: Carleton
City: Skipton
Postcode: BD23 3DX
One line summary: Children's Day Nursery and Pre-school
Address line 1: 2 Bolton Road
Address line 2: Addingham
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 0NR
County: West Yorkshire
One line summary: Yorkshire based interview preparation services.
Postcode: BD23
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