
Entries with Business names starting with 'M'

One line summary: Professional Domestic Cleaning Services
Address line 1: 20 Nab Wood Road
City: Shipley
Postcode: BD18 4AG
Image: 1283_img
One line summary: Driving Instructor
Address line 1: 62 The Crossways
City: Otley
Postcode: LS21 2AR
Image: 799_img
One line summary: Suppliers of top quality topsoil and compost in any quantity.
Address line 1: line1
City: Otley
Postcode: LS21
One line summary: Yorkshires top mobile disco, quality entertainment for all occasions.
Address line 1: Tealby Close
City: Leeds
Address line 1: 88, The Gills
City: Otley
Postcode: LS21 2BZ
County: West Yorkshire
Country: United Kingdom
Image: newproject1original
One line summary: Transforming a House into a Home. Creators of bespoke, high quality, inspirational kitchens, bedrooms and fitted furniture.
Address line 1: Unit 7 Fleets Offices, Fleets Lane
City: Rylstone
Postcode: BD23 6NA
County: UK Region Options
Country: United Kingdom
Image: c37e0c5b-92bd-4530-aeb8-da14c0eb9a9e
One line summary: Property Renovation & Building Services in Ilkley and surrounding areas
Address line 1: 29 Bridge Lane
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 9EU
One line summary: mobile mechanic. have your vehicle serviced or repaired at your home or work place, all makes and models catered for.
One line summary: Founded in 1975
Address line 1: 1, The Spa,
Address line 2: The Grove,
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 9NG
County: Yorkshire
Country: England
One line summary: Men's Hairdressing
Address line 1: 9a Leeds rd
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8DH
Image: d2949ae2-ee63-45ea-b854-e0ee0f3a57551201a
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