Ilkley directory

Business Consultant and Speaker

One line summary: Helping Business Owners and Service Professionals Solve Their Top-of-Mind Problems So They Can Focus on Doubling Turnover, Fast.

Geoff Carter has worked in private practice, local government and in education. Fifteen years ago, he set up his own business, became an EU business mentor, and now supports business owners and other service professionals to solve their top-of-mind problems so they can double their turnover and have a strong work/life balance.

He also provides mentoring to help business professionals get their message across by delivering  presentations with clarity and confidence. He has presented at International Conferences in the UK, and in various parts of the world including: 12 countries in mainland Europe, plus Malaysia, Singapore, Venezuela, the United States, and China. He is also currently retained by a Professional Institute to present workshops to its members across the UK and Ireland. 

Why not see if Geoff can help you, your business and your team - simply send an email briefly outlining your interest and needs to:  Geoff [at]   

Geoff will offer you a no-obligation complimentary consultation and suggest how best to proceed. 



Address line 1: 50 Hauxley Court
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8LA
County: West Yorkshire
Country: UK
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Person: Geoff Carter
Phone: 07849 173207
Mobile: 07849 173207
Image: geoff-carter
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