Ilkley directory

Earthereal Of Yorkshire

One line summary: Complementary Therapy Training Academy offering Reiki courses at all levels and professional massage courses.

>Japanese style Reiki courses at all levels including Shoden (Level 1) for Teenagers. Fully insurable professional Practitioner Diploma Massage Courses and workshops for interest also available.



Reiki is thought to be an ancient Japanese form of healing, re-discovered by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and now widely practised throughout the West as well as in its original homeland. It works on a subtle level by re-balancing the body's energies and healing at physical, emotional and spiritual levels.  Because it is divinely guided (the name comes from Japanese "rei" (divine power) and "ki" (life force energy), the Reiki energy goes directly to where it is needed by the recipient. Expressed simply, the thinking is that imbalances in the body's energy field, caused by negative emotions or experiences, eventually show up in the physical body and create problems there. If the energy imbalance or blockage is cleared before it gets to this stage, then it prevents damage to the physical body, and the reiki energy does the clearing. Reiki is a complementary therapy, to be used in conjunction with rather than instead of conventional medicine, and can be of benefit to everyone. It calms and relaxes in times of stress, boosts the body's healing and enhances one's general well-being. A non-invasive therapy, it can be done with the recipient sitting or lying down and fully clothed.


Courses Offered.

I am a qualified Reiki Master and teacher. I teach Japanese Style Reiki to all levels by arrangement with individuals and also professional and insurable intensive 1-1Practitioner Diploma Courses in the following therapies:

- Aromatherapy Blending

- Aromatherapy with Body Massage

- Ayurvedic Hand and Arm Massage

-Ayurvedic Facial Massage

-Indian Ayurvedic Head and Shoulder Massage

- Hot Stones Massage

- Lomi Lomi (Hawaiian) Massage

- Reflexology

- Swedish Back Massage

- Thermo-Auricular Therapy (ear candling)

-Thai Foot Massage

I also have a distance learning Meditation Teacher course and will soon have a Crystal Therapy one.

. Please see my web site for further details;



Address line 1: 36, Skipton Road
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 9EP
County: W.Yorkshire
Country: UK
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Person: Lois
Phone: 07521 622756
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