Ilkley directory
One line summary: Every business usually has a leaflet and a business card. The former is a marketing tool whilst the latter an item of stationery.
Description: The fact that PITSCARDS are credit-card sized makes them keep-sake and storable for future reference. Size is very important when it comes to shelf-life!
Our customers use their cards proactively, where normal cards are used reactively! What do we mean by this? Here are a few of the ways our customers have told us that they use their cards: 1. in their mailings 2. for their advertising (in display holders, on notice boards, in take-a-card" schemes, in customer affinity schemes etc) 3. on their person (in a wallet or purse, pocket or handbag kept prestine in a protective holder) 4. for direct contact (both socially
"Address line 1: 34 Leeds Road
Postcode: LS29 8DS
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 01943 603600
Fax: 01943 603666