Ilkley directory

GreenThumb Lawn Treatment Service

One line summary: Makes your grass grow lush and green, and the weeds and moss die!

We enable people to enjoy their lawns and gardens by making the weeds & moss die and the grass grow green and lush.  We can do this, without the worry of selecting and using unfamiliar and potentially damaging chemicals, for less than you might spend at a place like B&Q.  So, with prices from £15, why D-I-Y??  We can save you time, effort and money – and get a better result.

Address line 1: Unit 3, Drill Hall Business Centre
Address line 2: East parade
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 8EZ
Contact Person: Chris Ducker
Phone: 01943 604956
Mobile: 07770 720439
Image: greenthumb
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