Ilkley directory

Dan's Den at Christchurch

One line summary: Soft Play with a warm heart

A great place for children aged 0-6 to come and play.  We have a playframe, books and toys, a baby area, a sensory room and great coffee.

Our special features include healthy, home-cooked food, a 'Changing Places' inspired accessible toilet with mobile hoist and friendly, helpful and supportive staff.

Stay as long as you like for an entry price of £3.50 for the first child, £3 for the second and £2.50 for any subsequent children. 

Our opening hours are:

Monday 9.30-5.00

Tuesday 9.30-1.00

Wednesday 9.30-5.00

Thursday 9.30-5.00

Friday 9.30-5.00

Saturday 9.30-1.00. 


Exclusive and non-exclusive parties are available. 

Address line 1: Christchurch
Address line 2: Riddings Road
City: Ilkley
Postcode: LS29 9LW
County: West Yorkshire
Contact Person: Caroline Kelly
Phone: 01943603903
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