
Clubs and Organisations

Arts: Ilkley Arts Festival

Arts: Ilkley Arts Festival

Wednesday 1st November 2023

Time: 7.45pm Venue: St. John’s Church Hall, Ben Rhydding 

Wharfedale Recorded Music. Free Lecture by Sue Jones ‘Behold the Sea’ Vaughan-Williams, Elgar and Mozart

Free coffee and biscuits

Contact: Catherine Clarke 608664


Friday 3rd November 2023

 Time: 12.30 - 1.10pm

Venue: St Margeret's Church Ilkley
Free organ recital by Christopher Rathbone
Francois Couperin
Messe pour les couvents (organ music for convents)
Donations invited.

Wednesday 8th November 2023

Time:12.45-2.45pm: Clarke Foley Centre Sciety.

Ilkley Art Club

The Royal Academy of Art, post-war

Free lecture by Alex Purves 

Coffee and tea available from the cafe

Contact: Sharon Crosby 07751 155650


Saturday 11th November 2023

 Time: 7.30pm

Venue: St Margaret’s Church, Ilkley
Society: Cantores Olicanae
Michael Hadyn's Requiem
Mozart's Solemn Vespers
Musical Director is James Savage-Hanford
Organist: Anthony Gray
Refreshments available during the interval.
Tickets £15; students £5; U14 free 
Eventbrite, from Grove Books or Tourist
Office or Judith on 07718 305398
Contact 01943 872689

Sunday 12th November 2023


Venue: Ilkley Playhouse
Ilkley Film Society
The Quiet Girl - the 1st Oscar-nominated film in Gaelic
Guest tickets £5
Contact 07523 189400

Thursday 16th November 2023

Time: 7.45pm

Venue: Clarke Foley Centre
Society: Olicana History Society 
Factories and Fevers: 19th Century Child Health
Dr Emma Storr
Contact: Keith Roebuck 07587 463179
Saturday 18th November 2023

Time: 7.00pm
Venue: St Margeret's Church Ilkley
Society: Ilkley and Otley Choral Societies
Ethyl Smyth: Mass in D and Orchestral pieces
Yorkshire Chamber Ensemble
Conductor: Jennifer Sterling
Tickets £18 including programme and refreshments
Contact: 07792 610657
Saturday 18th November

Time: 7.30pm for 8pm
Venue: Winter Garden Ilkley
Two Rivers Swing Band Dance
Swing, Jive, Rock n Roll
Live Big Band and Jive lessons
Society: Ilkley Civic Society
Tickets £15
Tickets available on-line at tworiversbands.org uk
Also from the Grove bookshop or on the door.
Thursday 23rd November 2023
Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Church House
Ilkley Civic Society
1860s Ilkley: The Start of the Transformation by Alex Cockshott
The Keith Hartley Memorial Lecture
Refreshments included
Contact: 01943 601561
Friday 1st December 2023
A programme of Advent and Christmas Music 
Time: 12.30–1.10pm
Venue: St. Margaret’s Church, Ilkley
Music by Bach (Advent chorales from the Orgelbuchlein) and Leighton (Veni Redemptor) plus music by Grainger, Guilmant, Vaughan Williams, Bertalot and Messiaen.
Donations invited.  
Friday 1st December 2023 
Time: 7.30-9.30pm
Venue: St. Peter's Church Hall, Addingham
Ilkley Camera Club Talk
"Yorkshire's Wild Beauty" by Joan Gardner
Tea and coffee served during the interval
Contact: Alison Tetley 07779 599590
Saturday 2nd December 2023
Time: 10am 
Venue: Ilkley Playhouse
Greenroom performances on a Christmas theme
Junior class: 10am
Senior class; 11.15am
Entry to coffee morning £1.
Contact Andrew Leggott at the Playhouse
Saturday 2nd December 2023
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Christ Church
Ilkley Moornotes Choir
Winter Concert
Tickets £10 and concessions
Contact Tony Thornley 609565 
 Saturday 9th December 2023
Time: 5.00pm
Venue: St John's Ben Rhydding
Society:  Cantores Olicanae
Christmas Carol Concert
Musical Director: James Savage-Hanford
Accompanist: Robert Sudall
Festive Fun with carols and readings
Interval refreshments available
Tickets £15 from Grove Bookshop, Tourist office or 07718 305398
Sunday 10th December 2023
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: Ilkley Baptist Church
The Two Rivers Concert Band
Festive Winter Concert
Tickets; £10 including interval refreshments
Retiring charity collection
Tickets available at tworiversbands.org.uk or on the door.
Friday 15th December 2023
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Christ Church, Ilkley
Society: Rombalds Recorder Orchestra
An evening of Christmas music and verse with Andrew Leggott
Ticket price £10 on the door
Thursday 21st December 2023
Time: All evening
Venue: Ilkley town centre hostelries
Society: Ilkley and Wharfedale Rotarians singing to raise funds for Martin House hospice
Please give generously.
Friday 22nd December 2023
Time: 2pm
Venue: Clarke Foley Centre
"Musical Christmas Card"
New Horizons Orchestra
Free concert with charity collection
Popular Christmas classics and carols for audience participation.