
Clubs and Organisations

Art: Ilkley Art Club

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We start our new programme on Wednesday the 18th September. We hope you can come and join us, as a previous or future art club member.

The Ilkley Art Club, which was founded in 1909. We will be meeting after a break for the Summer, starting in September, on a Wednesday afternoons, from 1.30-3pm, at the Clarke Foley Centre, Cunnliffe Road, Ilkley.

The Club welcomes as members people of any age who have an interest in art, whatever their level of technical competence. The current membership includes practising artists, both amateur and professional, as well as those who are interested in learning and developing their skills. It is not a ‘teaching club’ or an ‘art course’ but members working together in practical sessions.

The Club organises lectures on a range of topics. Non-members can attend these lectures, the fee is £8 per visit. Details of the current lecture programme and practical sessions are given below.

You are welcome to come along on any of our Wednesday's for a free "taster" session. 

The Club also holds exhibitions of members work. This year's main exhibition will be held from Saturday 2th november to the 15th January 2025 in the Clarke Foley Centre.

The annual subscription has had to increase, due yo rising rent at the CF and costs £100 per year, to be paid in September, when the club has its first session.

For more information and membership enquiries please contact:


Sharon Crosby.


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