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Talk: A Towering Success?
Friday 30 June 2023, 10:15am - 11:30am
Hits : 182

Dr Edward Impey, former Master of Armouries and Director General of the Royal Armouries, talks about the re-display of Clifford’s Tower, York.

The talk begins at 10:30am and lasts roughly an hour. There will be time at the end for questions.

In Person

Tickets are £3 and may be purchased online through Eventbrite (a booking fee is payable) or in person through the Box Office when Ilkley Manor House is open, Saturdays and Sundays, 11am - 4pm.

Tickets may be available on the door but will be subject to availability and admission cannot be guaranteed.

Live Streamed on Zoom

Tickets are free and may be obtained online through Eventbrite. Tickets for the Live Stream cannot be purchased through the Box Office.

The talk will start at 10:30am but please log in early to ensure you are online for the beginning of the talk. You will be held in a waiting room. If you log into Zoom after the talk has started, there may be a delay before you are able to join the talk.