
Clubs and Organisations

Wharfedale Speakers Club

The Wharfedale Speakers Club is now in its Thirty-eighth Year. It is affiliated to the Association of Speakers Clubs, which exists, to improve the art of speaking in public, and to promote, encourage and develop proficiency in the spoken word.

People often have a need to express themselves coherently, e.g. in a wedding speech, a business presentation, or a vote of thanks. The ability to stand up and speak with confidence is a great asset, yet it can be acquired by anyone.

The key to success is regular practice of proven techniques – just like skiing, golf or driving a car. An important principle of the Association of Speakers Clubs is that we “learn by doing” in a friendly and sociable atmosphere.

The focus of our Association is the educational programme and our greatest strength is constructive evaluation by fellow members. Indeed, it is our use of evaluation as an educational tool that sets us apart and makes the ASC unique as an organisation for self-improvement.

A typical meeting starts with a short business session followed by several prepared speeches each of which is evaluated. After a break for refreshments, we have a light-hearted session of impromptu speeches and end the meeting with an evaluation of the whole evening’s activities.

We meet on the first and third Wednesday’s of each month September to May at 7.45pm for 8.00pm start at the Bridge Church Rooms, Otley and there is ample parking opposite which is free in the evenings.

Visitors and prospective members, including beginners to public speaking, are always welcome. If after a couple of visits, you decide to join the annual subscription is only £50.00 – terrific value for a learning environment that is more enjoyable and effective than an expensive, one-off training course.

For more information contact one of the following: -

 • Bryan Pentelow on 0113 2685289

 • Bill Mitchell on 01943 431383