
Clubs and Organisations

West Yorkshire Family Mediation Service

Dealing with the practical issues of relationship breakdown

Family mediation is a way of helping people to resolve all the practical issues which have to be sorted out when a marriage or relationship breaks up.   You may need to sort out:

arrangements for children, including where they will live, and how you will share their care

finances, including what will happen to the house, savings, debts, pensions, and other possessions

communication and relationships, including how you will co-parent in the future now you live separately, how you will discuss things together or pass on information

In mediation you make your own decisions for the future.  The mediator will help you consider the options available and negotiate an agreement.

We offer appointments in six offices throughout West Yorkshire, all based in town centres.  These are at Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield, Halifax, Huddersfield, and Todmorden.

For LS29 residents, our nearest offices are in Bradford and Leeds.

For more information, please follow the website link below, or contact us at our admin office:

West Yorkshire Family Mediation Service

33 Manor Row, Bradford  BD1 4PS

01274 732768