
Clubs and Organisations

Sports: Wharfedale Activity Group

Wharfedale Activity Group is a project established to increase sports participation and opportunities by providing a legacy of sustainable sports clubs and activity groups throughout the Wharfe Valley. The main aims are:

•To promote sport, physical activity and health and well-being to residents of the Wharfe Valley
•To support and provide advice and information to sports clubs and activity groups
•To facilitate the Wharfedale Activity Group Local Sports Alliance to act as a stronger representative for all clubs and groups.
•To facilitate an Olympic legacy programme to ensure the Wharfe Valley uses the 2012 Olympic Games as a platform to encourage and inspire people of all ages to participate in sport and physical activity.
•To ensure the best use of sports and community facilities to provide high quality sporting opportunities
•To provide a comprehensive database of groups and activities and the opportunities they provide within the area.

The project is administered by James Heddon (Wharfedale Activity Group Sports Development Worker)

Cabad Ilkley Office: 01943 603348

This project is jointly funded by Bradford Council and a Sport England revenue grant from Ilkley Rugby Club's building project. WAG also receives financial support from Ilkley, Burley, and Menston Parish Councils.

The Wharfedale Activity Group has published a Sport & Physical Activity Directory which details information of clubs and groups delivering sport throughout the Wharfe Valley. To view the directory click on the link below:
