
Clubs and Organisations

Airedale and Wharfedale Autism Resource

Visit our web site at: http://awareuk.homestead.com/

Airedale & Wharfedale Autism Resource (AWARE) - is a registered charity which supports families, children and young people on the autistic spectrum. The group covers the Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven areas of the UK, including Ilkley, Bingley, Keighley, Silsden, Skipton, Grassington, Settle and beyond.

Members comprise of parents, health, education and social services professionals and wider family members.

Aims and Activities of AWARE

Supporting Parents

We meet every month to share experiences & learn from each other.

Keeping In Touch

We issue a monthly newsletter about our activities and items of interest.

Learning From Experts We invite knowledgeable speakers to our monthly meetings.

Supporting Children

We organise a range of activities for children with Autism, including swimming, trampoling, a youth club ages 7-16, play schemes and more.

Supporting Young People

We organise a youth group for young people aged 12-18yrs old with Aspergers Syndrome or high functioning autism.

Providing Access to Information

We are building a library of books, videos and audio tapes to answer the myriad of questions that autism raises.

Lobbying for Better Services

We work with Local Authorities and the NHS to promote parents views in determining the services required.


AWARE meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the Child Development Centre, Airedale General Hospital at 7.30pm. All new members very welcome! View our website for meeting updates.


To find out more details about AWARE including current news/events, joining as a member, information regarding Autism or Asperger Syndrome, contact details, helplines, links and more - please visit our website: http://awareuk.homestead.com/