
Clubs and Organisations

Volunteering Ilkley


Could you give an hour for voluntary power?

Friends of Riverside Parks - volunteers litter-picking, August 2019


A survey* published by NCVO in January 2019 stated that 90% of volunteers felt that they really made a difference!

Volunteers are the life blood of many charities and not for profit groups. Without volunteers a vast range of activity would never take place and the world would be a poorer place.

Volunteering Ilkley is a website that enables local groups to advertise local volunteer roles to local people. And there is something for everyone.

As well as making a difference to local groups, volunteering can make a difference for volunteers themselves. There are many positive benefits to volunteering:

  • Learning new skills
  • Improving job prospects
  • Meeting new people and socialising
  • Combating social isolation
  • Having fun
  • Giving something back
  • Increasing self confidence
  • And much more…

“I retired early due to stress and feel my confidence is gradually returning allowing me to dabble again in the profession I so enjoyed.”  Volunteer, Christchurch Cafe

So if you have ever considered volunteering, make this the year you take that step.

Visit to discover a range of local roles. And if your group needs volunteers it is simple to register on the site and start advertising for volunteers now.

 For further information contact Lorraine Greenald, Volunteer Development Worker. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


*Time Well Spent, NCVO January 2019